Event Replay

Payment: The last frontier in B2B customer experience

Want to make your customers’ experience of paying you a delightful one? Want to know how a seamless payment experience can reduce churn in your business?

Upflow’s recent event (co-hosted with Stripe) explored how to revolutionize your B2B payment process and turn it into a customer experience lever.

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Access the full event replay

Upflow and Stripe Event

Fill the form above to access the full event replay and discover:

  • Common challenges faced by B2B customers when it comes to making payments.
  • The key differences between B2B and B2C payments: our panelists examine why B2B payments lag behind and the potential reasons for this disparity.
  • How to leverage technology for streamlined payments: Discover how businesses can harness technology to create more user-friendly and efficient payment experiences, with practical suggestions from the panelists.
  • How to tailor payment experiences: Learn strategies for customizing B2B payment experiences to suit different customer segments or industries, with a focus on influencing preferred payment methods and optimizing cost-efficiency.
  • How to build trust and loyalty: Explore how the payment process can serve as a tool for building trust and fostering loyalty with B2B customers, with insights into best practices and innovative approaches from our panelists, including considerations for balancing security and innovation.

Watch the Replay

Payments: The last frontier in B2B customer experience